Dallas Fort Worth Roofing Company

Low Cost, High Quality Roofing

Shingles, Metal, TPO, Flat Roofs, Tile Roofs 

         Lowest Price, Highest Quality Roofing in the Entire DFW Metroplex Area

We offer roofing services for home inspectors'. If the roof is too high, or too steep, we can inspect the roof for you. We offer great prices.  We can also offer a referral fee, if you refer us to a client of yours.  We offer this win win relationship to many of our clients.

Call us at 817-381-6855 to discuss details...

What do we look for in a roof inspection, the following is a checklist for composition shingle roof, we have a similar list for wood, tile, metal, TPO, etc.

 ____ Composition shingles: no curling, no cupping, no loss of granulation particulate, no broken, damaged or missing shingles, no more than two layers of roofing

 ____ Wood shingles or shakes: no mold, rot or decay, no cracked/broken/missing shingles, no curling 

 ____ Flat roofs: no obvious patches, no cracks or splits, minimal blisters/"alligatoring" and wrinkles, no silt deposits (indicates improper drainage), sealed tar at flashings

 ____ Flashing around roof penetrations

 ____ No evidence of excess roofing cement/tar/caulk

 ____ Soffits and fascia: no decay, no stains 

 ____ Exterior venting for eave areas: vents are clean and not painted over 

 ____ Gutters: no decay or rust, joints sealed, attached securely to structure, no bending or sagging, no sections of gutter or downspout missing, gutters clean, no mud deposits

 ____ Chimneys: straight, properly flashed, no evidence of damaged bricks or cracked joints, mortar/cement cap in good condition